Help Out

Thank you so much for believing that Minnesota House District 20b needs representation which serves the people of our communities, and for trusting me to do that. Here are a few ways in which you can help out:

If you live in Minnesota House district 20b, I want to talk with you. Please visit the 20b district Talk to Everyone page and read my letter about why I am trying to speak with every person in our district. Fill out the form on that page, and I will get in touch with you. If you would like to meet in person, you can sign our Petition in Place of Filing Fee and join others in the district in showing your support for our community’s improved future.

There is no greater show of trust in me and my dream to help improve the lives of everyone who shares our district than volunteering your time. I recognize that your time is invaluable, and  I promise to find the best use of yours and your and unique talents. You won’t be just a body to awkwardly push leaflets into unsuspecting hands or non-responsive door-jambs. Our campaign is set up to improve our community – so there will always be a place for anyone who wants to help. If you would like to contribute, we have plenty to do that won’t involve knocking on strangers’ doors or making cold phone calls – we’re doing things differently.

We always love to see more people working with us, but we understand that not everyone who wants to help feels comfortable volunteering – and we would be lying if we said we don’t need funding. If you would like to help financially, you can donate by clicking the link below. Please remember we do not accept monetary donations from companies, PACs or organizations -only individuals who want to improve life for all Minnesotans. 

Visit our donation page by clicking here.